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Alice Potter

Twenty For Twenty

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

It's a little late, but Happy New Year to you all. I wanted to start 2020 by setting myself some goals and intentions. The following aren't resolutions, and I'm not going to be strict with myself. Having a baby towards the end of last year, I have had to learn to accept that not everything goes to plan. What I can say is that in terms of my career and family, 2019 was the best and I have been looking forward to what 2020 will bring both professionally and personally.

1. Trim down on stuff. Let go of things I don't use or need any more. I need to feel more space in my life.

2. Keep on top of my accounts. I used to be excellent at this, but pregnancy last year caused me to get a little behind. Then the catching up is completely stressful and confusing!

3. Learn to manage my time better. I know have fewer hours to work, and any free time I have is going to be dedicated more to family, and where possible, myself.

4. Fill a sketchbook!

It's been a long whole since I did this last, and I decided it was easier to achieve this than say to myself, draw something every day, because sometimes, that's not possible.

5. Celebrate when my work gets published.

6. Identify areas in my portfolio that need working on. Speak to my agents for advice on this.

7. Increase my earnings again. 2019 was a great year for me in terms of income, and I know I can do better again this year.

8. Take a writing class maybe?

9. Illustrate another picture book. It's so challenging but ultimately, so rewarding when you get to the end.

10. Illustrate more baby books. I've worked with some great publishers recently and I hope to continue and strengthen our relationship.

11. Get my work licensed as a puzzle.

12. See my work licensed as homeware.

13. Design more children's clothing. It would be a dream to see more of my designs on the highstreet.

14. Make more original artwork.

15. Finish my craft projects. I have punch needle and embroidery jobs lying around from last year that I have yet to complete.

16. Read a little every day and finish the books waiting on my bookshelf.

17. Try again to learn French.

18. Move my body more. I feel so aged!

19. Appreciate that every day won't go to plan. Learn to roll with it.

20. Be more mindful and thoughtful.

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